Corporate Social Responsibility
From the first day it started operating in 1974 the Autohellas Group in Greece and Autotechnica in 1996 in Bulgaria has strategically chosen to operate in a responsible manner and to take responsibility for the potential impact on all stakeholders affected by its operations. Within this context, actions are systematically undertaken aiming at:
- The operation of the Group with respect for the environment, its employees, customers and suppliers, local communities and government authorities, as well as for the applicable legal and regulatory framework (both nationally and internationally)
The Autohellas/Autotechnica recognizes that the achievement of strategic goals and the maintenance of growth are integrally connected to human resources.
Autohellas pays particular attention to preserving jobs; choosing honest employees; monitoring employee satisfaction levels; evaluating their performance correctly and objectively; taking care of their health and safety at work; the maintenance of family values; and their continuous training.
Company Policies
Health and Safety at Work
Even though the nature of the Group’s operations does not entail significant risks to Health and Safety, the Autohellas/Autotechnica ensures that appropriate working conditions are maintained and basic health and safety rules are followed, in order to create a safe working environment and protect its employees. As part of its Health and Safety policy, Autohellas/Autotechnica ensures that the following measures are taken to protect its staff and customers:
- Design and implement appropriate tools and measures for protection, such as pharmacies at customer service points
- Continuous monitoring of company activities in order to identify potential risks and take appropriate measures
- Periodic doctor visits at stations and headquarters.
Human Rights
The Group respects the International Human Rights Principles, as these are included in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in particular the principles of:
- Equal treatment;
- Respect for human rights;
- Diversity;
- Equal opportunities for all employees; and
- Avoiding the use of child or forced labor.
Securing human rights is a fundamental issue in the training of Autohellas staff, as this is done with a view to ensuring the equality and equal treatment of every customer, with the goal of preventing any form of discriminatory behavior.
Since social responsibility is an integral part of the Group’s culture, Autohellas contributes to society in every way possible. With social contributions, numerous other benefits arise for tourism, employment, local communities and the public purse.
High-quality services
The services that Autohellas offers its customers are of high quality at all stages of a car rental, from the selection, booking and servicing of the customer at all stages, as far as rewarding members of the Hertz Gold Plus Rewards and Fly and Drive programs through the collaboration with Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air.
At the same time, customers can enjoy great services and benefits as they save time when booking a car. The Group’s Call Centre is made up of specialized staff who can manage reservations and requests, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Finally, special attention is given to social media, where Autohellas/Autotechnica is active in an open dialogue with the public, answering questions and informing the public of any developments and news.
A goal of Autohellas is to offer its customers the best possible quality of services, while at the same time consuming as few resources as possible. Autohellas sees sustainable development as an attempt to build a more competitive economy with little pollution. Through actions and deeds, it always aims at an efficient use of resources, bearing in mind the protection of the environment. By applying environmentally friendly policies and processes throughout the whole breadth of the Group’s activities, in particular for recycling and environmental management, Autohellas/Autotechnica is making a great effort to reduce its environmental footprint, thus demonstrating the Group’s commitment to sustainable development, in a transparent and responsible way.
Autohellas/Autotechnica embraces the idea of sustainable development, as this was developed in 2002 in the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development, as well as the idea of environmental awareness, as this was developed in the Declaration on Environment and Development in 1992. Furthermore, all European Union and Bulgarian regulations and legislation on the protection of the environment and waste management are systematically monitored and integrated into the Group’s processes and business planning. Through its environmental policies, Autohellas is not limited to adopting best “green” practices but participates in actions aimed at raising the awareness of its customers and staff, in order to protect the environment. More specifically, the measures implemented by the Autohellas Group are:
- Through its policies, the aim of the Group is to reduce energy consumption in its company buildings. It has been estimated globally that buildings are the greatest consumers of energy as their functions are responsible for 38% greenhouse gas emissions, an amount much larger than that of industry (33%) or transport (26%).
- Maintaining a fleet with a low average age. Newer and consequently more technologically advanced cars emit lower quantities of carbon dioxide than do those of the older generation, resulting in a significant reduction in their carbon footprint.
- Recycling of materials and consumables. The waste products and refuse from the service points and central offices (e.g. paper, toners, plastic and household batteries) are recycled, thus helping to reduce the direct environmental impact of the Group’s companies.
- The Autohellas Group invests in eco-friendly vehicles and, through the websites of the Group’s companies, encourages customers to select eco-friendly vehicles in order to reduce their carbon footprint.